She Almost Passed On ‘The Hunger Games’
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Lawrence was nominated for an Oscar for her role in Winter’s Bone in 2010, but her role as Katniss Everdeen in 2012’s The Hunger Games made her a big-time star. However, Lawrence nearly turned down her breakout role. She had previously worked mainly on indie films, was reluctant to take on a major studio franchise and the spotlight that came with it.
But Lawrence wanted to play the part, and decided to do the film after some tough love from her mother.
She Graduated High School In Two Years
While it’s not exactly uncommon for celebs to ditch school to pursue an acting career, Lawrence graduated early instead. She completed her high school education in two years, with an impressive 3.9 GPA.
According to Lawrence, she had a difficult time in high school due to social anxiety. Her nickname was “Nitro,” short for “Nitroglycerin,” and she describes herself as hyperactive and curious. When Lawrence began acting at age 14, she felt she’d found her niche, but had to graduate before she could pursue it full time.
She Allegedly Rejected Prince Harry
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- Kurt Kulac
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In 2015, England’s Prince Harry allegedly had a crush on Lawrence. Press outlets reported that had an aide ask her on a date to see Kensington Palace, but she declined. Maybe Lawrence said no because she was in an on-again off-again relationship with Coldplay’s Chris Martin at the time, or perhaps she just wasn’t interested.
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She Actually Skinned A Squirrel In ‘Winter’s Bone’
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For a scene in Winter’s Bone, Lawrence kept it authentic by actually killing and skinning a squirrel – a move that earned her some criticism from PETA. She learned how to do it from a friend of her brother’s, but afterwards, she said, “I went and cried in the house and let him finish.”
She also learned how to fight and chop wood for the film.
She Was In Promos For ‘My Super Sweet Sixteen’
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You have to start somewhere, and Lawrence’s somewhere was a pair of promos for the MTV reality show My Super Sweet Sixteen. She even earned her SAG card for the role, which she landed when she was 14 years old.
She Auditioned To Play Bella In ‘Twilight’
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- Mingle MediaTV
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Lawrence auditioned to play the role of Bella Swan in Twilight when she was 17 years old. She described it as “just another audition,” and said she didn’t realize the impact of Twilight until the film came out. After that, Lawrence was happy she didn’t actually land the role and all the baggage that came with it.
Other major roles she auditioned for? Jules in Superbad, which went to Emma Stone, and Lisbeth Salander in Girl With A Dragon Tattoo, which went to Rooney Mara.
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She Modeled For Abercrombie & Fitch
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- NASA/Joel Kowsky
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- Public Domain
Before booking regular acting roles, Lawrence landed a modeling gig with teen clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch. But none of her photos were selected to appear in the store or the catalogue. Lawrence apparently over-committed to the shoot, which involved playing football on a beach.
Rather than playing “pretty” football, Lawrence recalls being red-faced and covered in sweat, joking that one model asked the crew to “get her away from me.”
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She Chose Bradley Cooper For Her Fake Tabloid Romance
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- Toronto Film Festival
- Flickr
- Public Domain
Lawrence has starred alongside a number of Hollywood hunks, so the tabloids were bound to fictionalize a relationship between her and at least one of them. After her publicist informed her that a magazine was going to say she was having an affair with either Bradley Cooper or Sam Claflin, she picked Bradley Cooper to avoid upsetting Claflin’s fiancée.
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She Got In A Car Accident Because She Thought She Saw Honey Boo Boo
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- Gage Skidmore
- Wikimedia Commons
- CC BY-SA 4.0
Lawrence’s pension for accidents doesn’t end with those red carpet trips. In 2012, Lawrence rear-ended a family’s car in Georgia because she thought she saw reality TV star Honey Boo Boo. As she told Jay Leno on The Tonight Show, she was driving by a breast cancer parade and mistook the word “boobs” for “boo boo.”
She was straining to catch a better look when she got in the fender bender.
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She Never Took Acting Classes
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Because Lawrence was discovered so suddenly, her acting career took off before she’d had the chance to do any formal training. But that’s what made her unique. When Lawrence finally did go to an acting coach, he told her not to take classes or see teachers, because they would just make her acting “like everybody else.”
Her Mystique Make-Up Stained Her Bathtub
For her role as Mystique in X-Men: First Class, Lawrence had to sit or stand on a bicycle for eight hours while the blue paint was applied to her body. The body paint irritated her skin and stained the bathtub of her apartment, which caused a problem when she tried to get her security deposit back.
The make-up was such a hassle that Lawrence started wearing a body suit in X-Men: Days of Future Past, leaving only the face paint, which took a mere three hours to apply.
She Was Voted Most Talkative In Middle School – Twice
Lawrence often comes off as chatty and personable in interviews, sometimes sharing to the point of over-sharing. So it’s no surprise that she was voted “Most Talkative” by her middle school classmates two years in a row.
John Stamos Once Asked Her If She Was On Shrooms
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While Lawrence has a ton of stories about awkward and star-struck celebrity encounters, none can quite compete with the time she was at the same party as John Stamos. Lawrence told Conan O’Brien that she was so excited she followed him from room to room, and referred to him as “Uncle Jesse.”
When her friends finally introduced him to her, he asked her if she was on mushrooms.